Christian women who knew Latin: the catholic Mexican feminist union. A study case through the book of proceedings of the Coatepec assambley at Veracruz (1938-1941)

Keywords: women, association, support networks, catholic religion


This work revolves around the analysis of the first book of proceedings of the Catholic Feminine Union Assembly (UFCM, for the acronym in Spanish)- founded in April 25th of 1938-  and  that was located in the archive of the church of San Jerónimo, in Coatepec Veracruz. This book contains a total of 76 minutes: the first corresponds to the foundation of this network and the last assembly of October 17 of 1941. Through them it is possible to know the details, the charity work carried out thanks to the effort of the women constituting the group who showed a great concern for education from a christian perspective, manifested in the help of the poor, the sick and to the preparation of seminarians. At the same time it sought to consolidate an economic strategy in order to execute the diverse activities of its organization. Parallel to this we found that the UFCM had an efficient regulation system that allowed for a competent handling of the works previously mentioned. The constant work of this group marked a before and after in women's lives that conformed the group but moreover in the lives of the people they impacted upon.

Author Biographies

Ana María del Socorro García García, Universidad Veracruzana, México

Es Doctora en Historia por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores y de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Educación.

Norma Gutiérrez Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México

Es Licenciada en Historia, Maestra en Ciencias Sociales, Especialista en Estudios de Género y Doctora en Historia. Es integrante de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Educación.

María Paola Ruíz Valdivia, Investigadora independiente, Veracruz, México

Es Licenciada en Historia por la Universidad Veracruzana, donde colaboró como asistente en el proyecto “La formación de educadoras en la posrevolución…” Sus temas de interés son Historia de las mujeres, y las religiones.


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How to Cite
García García, A. M. del S., Gutiérrez Hernández, N., & Ruíz Valdivia, M. P. (2024). Christian women who knew Latin: the catholic Mexican feminist union. A study case through the book of proceedings of the Coatepec assambley at Veracruz (1938-1941). Debates Por La Historia, 12(1), 121-144.
Artículos de investigación