The suppression of the presidential veto in the Mexican Constitution of 1857, a measure of equilibrium or of centralization of power?

Keywords: legislative conflicts, division of powers, institutions, XIX century


The establishment of political systems is usually studied from the perspective of the relations among the different powers, leaving aside the emergence of instruments and diverse conditions such as the veto. Therefore, this work set out as its objective to analyze the elements that influenced the suppression of the veto instrument during a period in which the legal and normative bases of forthcoming constitutions were established. Moreover, this work contends that the suppression of veto was an instrument of power equilibrium, given the alterity in the decision making process of the executive power, as well as a way of weakening the counterbalance system from the suppression of the senate. Consequently, the descriptive method was used, as well as document analysis techniques.

Author Biography

Jhovany Amastal Molina, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México

Es maestrante en Ciencias Políticas y Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales con especialidad en Evaluación de Programas y Políticas Publicas por la BUAP. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se encuentran “¿A qué nos referimos con Gobierno Abierto? una reinterpretación a partir de su evolución histórica” (2022) y “De la integración a la gobernanza. Pilares normativos e institucionales de la cooperación energética entre Estados Unidos y México” (2022). Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite
Amastal Molina, J. (2023). The suppression of the presidential veto in the Mexican Constitution of 1857, a measure of equilibrium or of centralization of power?. Debates Por La Historia, 11(2), 195-217.
Artículos de investigación