Didactic focus of the conquest and viceroyalty in Mexico. Distancing and historiographic bridging between curriculum proposals and official discourse, 2019-2022

Keywords: Teaching of History, History as a school subject, Textbooks, New Mexican School, uses of history


The present work has the objective of showing the pedagogic focus of the books of History of Mexico, edited by the federal government between 2019-2022.  The discourse base which serves as a foundation for the “New Mexican School” is analyzed within the orientations for the teaching of history, as well as the correspondence of the official institutions and the discourse that emerges from the executive power. The theoretical category of political use of history forms the basis of this work. The methodological approach is centered around an analysis of three publications each one from the History and Anthropology National Institute, Historical Studies National Institute and the Ministry of Public Education respectively.  The idea of contrasting these materials comes from its media relevance  and because their original intention  has been to support future teachers, that is the case of  the former two and the last one is meant to be used as the official textbook for elementary education.  Among the main findings we have that the presence of authors who have been critical to the use of history by the executive power in other forums, does not match the indoctrination that mass media communications have claimed in these publications.  It is concluded, from the analysis done, that the official discourse of the Executive has a political intention rather than a pedagogical one and that these new approaches have not been reflected in teachers’ practice.

Author Biography

Jose Eduardo Cruz Beltran, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad 131, Hidalgo, México

Es Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo y Maestro en Historia por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Entre sus publicaciones recientes están “La historia de México en los manuales escolares españoles durante el primer periodo franquista (1939-1964)” (2021) y “La formación de la identidad a través de los libros de texto gratuitos” (2020). Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores y entre sus temas de interés están el análisis historiográfico y didáctica de la historia. Correo electrónico: eduardocruzbeltran@gmail.com


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How to Cite
Cruz Beltran, J. E. (2023). Didactic focus of the conquest and viceroyalty in Mexico. Distancing and historiographic bridging between curriculum proposals and official discourse, 2019-2022. Debates Por La Historia, 11(2), 137-166. https://doi.org/10.54167/debates-por-la-historia.v11i2.1142
Artículos de investigación