Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Review of environmental
organopollutants degradation by white-
rot basidiomycete mushrooms
Revisión de degradación de contaminantes
ambientales por basidiomicetos de la pudrición
- F
, D
L. C
W. C. C
Diciembre 14, 2007
Abril 20, 2008
White-rot fungi consist of a group of basidiomycetes that
are able to remove lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose
concurrently at approximately equal rates. These fungi
produce three enzymes commonly known as lignin-modifying
enzymes (LMEs) that are responsible for the degradation of
wood components. These enzymes are produced during
the secondary metabolism under an obligatory aerobic
process and are induced by nutrient starvation, low pH, and
high concentrations of Mn. We focused this review on the
source of environmental organopollutants and the role that
these white-rot fungi play on the transformation or
mineralization of the environmental contaminants. These
recalcitrant compounds originate mainly from human
contamination. White-rot fungi or their enzymes showed
mineralization of many environmental contaminants such as
1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT), 2, 4,
6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT); polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s);
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s); wood
preservatives; some synthetic dyes; and bleach-derived
from paper producing plants.
Keywords: Bioremediation, environmental contaminants,
lignin modifying enzymes.
Los hongos de la pudrición blanca de la madera pertenecen a un
grupo de basidiomicetos capaces de degradar lignina, celulosa y
hemicelulosa en proporciones más o menos equivalentes. Estos
hongos producen tres enzimas comúnmente conocidas como
enzimas modificadoras de la lignina (LME´s), las cuales son
producidas durante el metabolismo secundario bajo un proceso
estrictamente aerobio y son favorecidas por deficiencias
nutricionales, bajo pH, y exceso de Mn. En esta revisión nos
enfocamos en la fuente de los contaminantes ambientales más
comunes y el papel que juegan los hongos de la pudrición blanca
de la madera sobre la degradación de los diversos contaminantes
orgánicos que afectan el medio ambiente. Estos contaminantes
ambientales se originan principalmente por la acción del ser
humano. Los hongos de la pudrición blanca de la madera o sus
productos mostraron mineralización de varios de los contaminantes
ambientales como el 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl) ethane
(DDT), el 2, 4, 6-Trinitrotolueno (TNT); bifenil policlorinados (PCB’s);
hidrocarburos policlínicos aromáticos (PAH’s); conservadores de
la madera; colorantes sintéticos; y blanqueadores derivados de
plantas productoras de papel.
Palabras clave: Biorremediación, contaminantes orgánicos,
enzimas modificadoras de la lignina.
1Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Ciudad Universitaria S/N Campus 1, Chihuahua, Chih.,
31310, México. Phone and Fax: (614) 439-1844
2Department of Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3052, USA.
3Department of Plant Soil and Entomological Sciences, University of Idaho. Moscow, ID 83843-2339, USA.
4Electronic address of author. Email: lrobles@uach.mx,.
Medio ambiente y desarrollo sustentable
Artículo arbitrado
Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
White-rot fungi consist of a group of basidiomycetes that are able to remove lignin, cellulose,
and hemicellulose concurrently at approximately equal rates. Wood decay by white-rot fungi
maintains its fibrous nature and loses strength gradually until it is completely degraded.
Commonly a bleached and light color is observed as the wood is decomposed (Figure 1)
(Alexopolous et al., 1996). Although white-rot fungi can degrade lignin, it is extremely recalcitrant
and is mineralized in an obligatory aerobic process. The oxidation of lignin generates no net
energy gain; as lignin is not a substrate in the primary metabolism, and Instead, lignin is
degraded during secondary metabolism to access wood polysaccharides hidden within lignin-
carbohydrate structures, providing energy to
other organisms (Jefries, 1990).
These fungi secrete three chemically
distinct extra cellular enzymes; referred to as
lignin-modifying enzymes (LMEs), which are
critical for lignin degradation. Two of them are
glycosylated heme-containing peroxidases
[lignin peroxidase (LiP, E.C. and
Mn dependant peroxidase (MnP,
E.C.] and the third one is a copper-
containing phenoloxidase [laccase (Lac, EC]. The MnP enzyme catalyses an
H O -dependant oxidation of Mn2+ to Mn3+
in culture. Conversely, Lac production is
favored by agitation (Leonowicz et al. 1999).
A great deal of research has been
conducted on the role of white-rot fungal
LMEs in bioremediation of pesticides and
other organopollutants. White-rot fungi have
transformed or mineralized organochlorines,
organophosphates, munitions waste,
polychlorinated biphenils, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, wood
preservatives, synthetic dyes, bleach, and
pentachlorophenol (Bumpus and Aust, 1987;
Gramms et al., 1999; Hawari et al., 1999;
2 2
which oxidizes phenolic components of lignin
(Wariishi, Valli, and Gold, 1992). The Lac
enzyme generates radicals from a low-
molecular-mass re-dox mediator in an H2O2-
independent reaction. One mediator
compound has been identified as 3-
hydroxylanthranilate in the laccase-producing
white-rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
(Bourbonnais et al., 1997), and others such
as 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) and 2,2’-
azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6 sulfonic
acid) have been reported to be laccase
mediators in other fungi (Pointing, 2001). The
functioning of LiP, MnP, and Lac has been
studied in liquid cultures. Lignin-modifying
enzyme production occurs during secondary
metabolism and is induced by nutrient
starvation, primarily nitrogen. The production
of LiP and MnP is more efficient in high
oxygen levels, but is repressed by agitation
Limura et al., 1996; Lin et al.,1990; Pointing,
2001). In this review, we focus on the source
and degradation or mineralization of
environmental organopollutants by the white-
rot fungi.
Figure 1. White rotted wood of different plants with
young fruiting bodies of various species of white-rot
fungi, showing the typical wood decomposition by
this group of fungi (Alexopoulos et al., 1996).
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Pesticide Degradation.- Organochlorine
insecticides such as 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-
compounds, such as methylcarbamate and
synthetic pyrethroid insecticides that were
developed to replace organochlorines were
toxic and persistent as well. Likewise, new
herbicides such as chlorophenoxyalkanoates,
triazines, and other hydrocarbons (PCBs)
have also caused toxicity and persistence in
the environment (Pointing, 2001).
Although DDT is a persistent
environmental pollutant, it does appear to
undergo slight degradation in the
environment. A general pathway for DDT
degradation involves reductive
dechlorination, followed by further
dechlorination, oxidation, and decarboxilation
prior to ring cleavage (Figure 2) (Bumpus and
Aust, 1987).
Figure 2. Proposed degradation of DDT by the white-
rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Adapted
from Bumpus and Aust (1987).
bis(4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT), lindane
and aldrins have been used in enormous
quantities for many decades in agriculture
and for public health. The organochlorine
herbicides 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid
(2,4-D), 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxiacetic acid
(2,4,5-T) and 2-methyl-4, 6-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) have
also been widely used in agriculture with the
concomitant generation of dioxins. Dioxins
were components of «Agent Orange,» used
extensively as defoliants during the Vietnam
War and now are groundwater and soil
contaminants. Although organochlorines are
not being used in developed countries, their
use continues in developing nations
(Pointing, 2001). The organophosphorous
Species of Pleurotus ostreatus, Phelinus
weirii, and Polyporus versicolor have been
shown to degrade DDT. They were able to
mineralize 5.3-13.5% of added 14C-
Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
radiolabeled DDT, dicofol, and
methoxychlor over 30 days under ligninolytic
growth conditions (Bumpus and Aust, 1987).
During DDT biodegradation, intermediate
products are generated which later are
degraded. It has been shown that 14C-
radiolabeled 1,1-dichloro-2,2-
bis(4chlorophenil) ethane (DDE), a sub
product of DDT, is mineralized to
CO and
H2O by Phanaerochate chrysosporium
(Bumpus and Aust, 1987). Phanerochaete
chrysosporium has also shown to degrade
up to 23.4% of 14C-radiolabeled aldrin,
dieldrin, chloridane, lindane, and mirex
during 30 days of incubation (Kennedy et
al., 1990). Organophosphate insecticides
are not usually persistent in the environment,
and are easily degraded. Phanerochaete
chrysosporium mineralized up to 27.5% of
C-radiolabeled chloropyrifos, fonofos, and
terbufos in 18 days of incubation (Bumpus
and Aust, 1987). The organophosphate
insecticides are less persistent in the
environment than organochlorine
insecticides and P. chrysosporium has
been demonstrated to mineralize 12.2-
27.5% of 14C-radiolabeled chloropyrifos,
fonofos, and turbofos in 18-day incubation
(Bumpus et al., 1993 cited in Pointing,
2001). The chlorinated triazine herbicide 2-
chloro-4-ethylamine-6-isopropyl-amino-1, 2,
4-triazine (atrazine), which is recalcitrant in the
environment has also been transformed by P.
chysosporium (Mougin et al., 1994 cited in
Pointing, 2001) and Pleurotus pulmonarius
(Masaphy et al., 1993 cited in Pointing, 2001)
into less recalcitrant hydroxylated and N-
dealkylated metabolites.
2, 4, 6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
At military sites, TNT wastes from
munitions production and storage have been
found to contaminate water, soil, and
sediments. TNT has been shown to cause liver
damage and anemia in humans (Pointing,
2001; Spiker et al., 1992). Currently, methods
for remediation of TNT-contaminated soils are
being studied. Some anaerobic bacteria can
transform but not mineralize TNT (Pointing,
2001). However, recent studies have
demonstrated the ability of white-rot fungi to
mineralize TNT. The transformation of TNT
results in the formation of the dinitrotoluenes
(DNTs), which are generally not degraded
immediately. Many microorganisms are able
to transform TNT into DNTs, but only white-rot
fungi degrade and mineralize the DNTs to
CO2 and H2O (Hawari et al., 1999; Hodson et
al., 2000). The transformation and
mineralization of TNT by white-rot fungi is
illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Bioremediation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) contaminated soil by white-rot fungi. Adapted from
Hawari et al (1999); Hodson et al. (2000).
Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
important role in the degradation of DNTs.
Addition of surfactant to ligninolytic cultures
of P. chrysosporium significantly enhanced
TNT mineralization (Hodson et al., 2000).
Many studies related to TNT degradation
have employed relatively low TNT
concentrations. Phanerochaete
chrysosporium could germinate from
spores, grow and transform at 20 ppm, but
not at 100 ppm of TNT (Spiker, et al., 1992).
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s) PCBs
are produced through chlorination of the
biphenyl group. PCBs are a family of
compounds with a wide range of industrial
applications in heat transfer fluids, dielectric
fluids, hydraulic fluids, flame-retardants,
solvent extenders and organic diluents.
PCBs have entered into soil and sediment
environments as a result of improper
disposal of industrial PCB wastes and
leakage of PCBs from electric transformers
(Pointing, 2001; Yadav et al., 1995).
Numerous studies have shown that white-rot
fungi including Coriolopsis polyzona, P.
chrysosporium, Pleurotus ostreatus, and
Trametes versicolor were capable of PCB
removal in-vivo (Figure 4) (Yadav et al.,
1995). Studies using
C-radiolabeled PCBs
showed that C. polyzona, P. chrysosporium
and T. versicolor were capable of PCBs
elimination but the exact role of LME in this
process still is not clear (Baudette et al.,
Figure 4. Degradation of PCBs (Pentachlorophenol Aroclors) by Coriolopsis polyzona, P. chrysosporium,
Pleurotus ostreatus, and Trametes versicolor. Adapted from Yadav et al. (1995).
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
(PAH’s).- PAHs are benzene homologues
generated from the fusion of four or more
benzene rings. PAHs are highly toxic
organopollutants, which are widely
distributed in industrial and terrestrial
environments. They originate from natural oil
deposits, wood burning, vegetation
decomposition, vehicle transport, waste
incineration and industrial processes. Due
to their toxic effects, PAHs pose a serious
health risk to animals, including humans.
Many of these compounds are known to be
mutagenic and carcinogenic (Collins and Ng,
1997). Several reports have shown that the
white-rot fungi are the only organisms capable
of PAHs degradation and that the rates of
mineralization are correlated with the
production of LMEs (Field et al., 1992). Extra-
cellular preparations of LiP from P.
Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
chrysosporium was one of the first LMEs
capable of PAH degradation (Bumpus and
Aust, 1987). Because MnP and Lac have
been shown to be the most predominant
LMEs during the PAHs metabolism, most
research has focused on those enzymes.
The MnP of P. chrysosporium showed
activity in the oxidation of twelve 3-6 ring
PAH. In some cases the enzyme was limited
by Mn2+ availability (Bogan et al., 1996).
Results differ between investigators and
fungal species. For instance, Collins et al.
(1996) found that Lac of T. versicolor could
not oxidize phenanthrene (Figure 5), but Lac
of Coriolopsis gallica could (Pickard et al.,
Figure 5. Anthracene transformation in the presence of either Lac I or Lac II enzymes purified from Tramites
versicolor. Adapted from Collins et al. (1996).
Wood Preservatives.- The organic wood
preservatives creosote and
pentachlorophenol (PCP) have been used
extensively, although their use has been
discontinued as a result of soil and
groundwater contamination. Creosote is a
coal-tar distillation product consisting of a
highly heterogeneous PAH mixture, which
includes 16 of the United States EPA priority-
listed pollutants. PCP is a benzene ring with
five chloride substitutions, and is listed as a
priority pollutant by the United States EPA
(Pointing, 2001). Decomposition of creosote
by white-rot fungi is very similar to PAH
degradation. However, creosote is more
complex and therefore can be more toxic to
fungi than PAH during degradation (Pointing,
2001). Phanerochaete chrysosporium
mineralized up to 50% of 14C-radiolabeled
PCP when grown under ligninolytic
conditions. Not all species of the genus were
able to mineralize PCP. Some of them were
inhibited in the presence of 5 ppm of PCP;
however, Phanerochaete chrysosporium
and P. sordida grew in the presence of 25
ppm of PCP. A rapid reduction of PCP
resulted in accumulation of the product
pentachloroanisole (PCA), a quinone
intermediate expected for LME-mediated
oxidation (Lin et al., 1990).
Synthetic Dyes.- Synthetic dyes are
chemically diverse, with those commonly
used in industry divided into those of azo,
triphenylmethane or heterocyclic/polymeric
structures. They are used extensively in
biomedical, food, plastic,
Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
and textile industries. Synthetic dyes are
not biodegradable and when discharged
into the environment, they are persistent and
many are also toxic (Pointing, 2001). Early
studies have shown that polymeric dyes were
decolorized by ligninolytic cultures of P.
chrysosporium and that inhibitors of lignin
degradation also repressed dye
decolorization (Glenn and Gold, 1983). Other
studies have also reported decolorization of
an extensive number of azo,
triphenylmethane and heterocyclic dyes by
white-rot fungi (Pointing, 2001). The role of
sorption in dye decolorization appears to be
influenced by ligninolytic compounds. A non-
ligninolytic culture of P. chrysosporium was
found to have about 49% of total azo and
heterocyclic dye bound to the mycelium
(Cripps et al., 1990). Conversely, a
ligninolytic culture of P. sanguineu
accounted for less than 3% of azo and
triphenylmethane dye removal (Pointing,
2001). The action of LMEs in dye
decolorization has been demonstrated in
several studies using purified cell-free
enzymes. LiP of P. chrysosporium
decolorized azo, triphenilmethanen and
heterocyclic dyes in the presence of veratryl
alcohol and H2O2 (Cripps et al. , 1990).
Bleach-Derived from Paper Producing
Plants.- Billions of gallons or sometimes
intensely colored waste effluents are
released into the environment annually by the
pulp and paper industry (Michael et al.,
1991). The primary contributor to the color
and toxicity of these streams is the pulp
bleach plant effluent, which contains largely
high molecular, modified and chlorinated
lignin and its degradation products, including
chlorolignins, chloro-phenols, chloro-
catechols, and chloro-aliphatics (Michael et
al., 1991; Pointing, 2001). There are a few
reports that describe the role of white-rot
fungi in the mineralization of those pollutants.
It has been shown that P. chrysosporium can
oxidize, demethylate and dechlorinate bleach-
plant effluents. Among the LMEs, MnP has
been the most effective in these processes
(Michael et al., 1991). It has also been
demonstrated that Lac of T. versicolor has
high activity in dechlorinating the bleach-plant
effluents (Limura et al.,1996).
White-rot fungi are able to degrade lignin,
cellulose, and hemicellulose concurrently at
approximately equal rates. These fungi
secrete three extra cellular enzymes (LMEs)
that are critical for wood degradation.
Because of their ability to biodegradate
natural lignocellulosic materials and humic
substances to CO2 and H2O, the white-rot
basidiomycete mushrooms or their products
are able to transform and mineralize, in-vitro
or in-vivo, many environmental
organopollutants, including pesticides,
munitions waste, polychlorinated biphenyls,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, wood
preservatives, synthetic dyes, and waste
materials from paper producing plants.
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Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
Resúmenes curriculares de autor y coautores
LORETO ROBLES-HERNÁNDEZ. He is Titular Academic B in the department of Agrotecnological Sciences of the Autonomous University
of Chihuahua. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Idaho and his Masters and Bachelors degree at the Autonomous
University of Chihuahua. His experience lies in bacterial and viral diseases, biological control, and plant diagnosis. He teaches
Plant pathology, Microbiology, Biological control, and Postharvest Physiology. He is advisor of Graduate students and is
member of the graduate advising committee.
WESLEY W.C. CHUN. Is an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant Soil and Entomological Sciences of the University of
Idaho, USA. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of California, Riverside; his M.S. at the University of Hawaii; and his B.S.at
the University of Hawaii. Recently, he conducts research on bacterial diseases of plants, disease diagnosis, biological control,
host range and pathogenicity determinants of phytopathogenic bacteria, and seed pathology. Dr. Chun teaches Biological
control, Biotechnology, and Plant Pathology. He performs disease identification and diagnosis of field, greenhouse, and home
garden/landscape problems. He is advisor of Graduate students and is member of the graduate advising committee.
immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Life Sciences 60, 383-
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Este artículo es citado así:
ROBLES-Hernández L. , A. C. González- Franco, D. L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun. 2008. Review of environmental organopollutants
degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms. TECNOCIENCIA Chihuahua 2(1): 32-39.
Vol. II, No. 1 Enero-Abril 2008
Loreto Robles-Hernández, Ana Cecilia-González- Franco, Donald L. Crawford and W. W. C. Chun.: Review
of environmental organopollutants degradation by white-rot basidiomycete mushrooms
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54167/tecnociencia.v2i2.64
ANA CECILIA GONZÁLEZ. Franco. Dra. Gonzélez is Titular Academic B in the department of Agrotecnological Sciences of the Autonomous
University of Chihuahua. She obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Idaho and his Masters and Bachelors degree at the
Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Her experience lies in fungal and viral diseases, and biological control. She teaches Plant
microbe interactions, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Biotechnology. She is advisor of graduate students and is a member of the
graduate advising committee. She is member of the National System of Researchers.
DON CRAWFORD. Dr. Don Crawford is Professor of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry and Director of the Environmental
Science Program at the University of Idaho. He obtained his B.A. degree (Biology) from Oklahoma City University, and his M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees (Bacteriology) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He spent four years on the faculty of George Mason
University in Fairfax, VA before coming to the University of Idaho in 1975. His expertise lies in microbial physiology and genetics,
especially of soil actinomycetes. He has published 158 papers regarding characterization of microbial enzymes and the use of
actinomycetes as biocontrol agents.