Enero-abril 2022
Excelencia Administrativa Online
Excelencia Administrativa Online
“Investigación y Docencia con Sentido Social”
Artículo: Análisis agregado del impacto de la innovación en la industria
manufacturera en México entre 2010 y 2016
Omar Elier Varela Faudoa, Brenda Guadalupe Burciaga Sánchez y
Liz Aguilera García
Artículo: Autonomía Financiera Municipal y su relación con Indicadores
de Desarrollo Humano
Marcela Del Carmen Piedra Romero y Juan Óscar Ollivier Fierro
Artículo: Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages:
A review of theories, models, and recent studies
Mauricio Iván García Montes y Jesús Manuel Palma Ruiz
Artículo: Análisis de los Programas de Educación Financiera en México
Jocelyn Daniela Muñoz Aguirre
Artículo: Comparación del clima laboral antes y después del Covid-19 en
el centro de salud del municipio de Namiquipa
José Andrés Guillén Jaramillo, Karen Idaly Pérez Ortega,
Servando Salcido Garza y María Isabel Domínguez Cázares
Artículo: Formación de equipos de alto desempeño, una realidad en los
despachos contables de Chihuahua capital.
Verónica Gisell Quintana Canales, Viviana Berroterán Martínez y
Cristina Cabrera Ramos
Reseña de Libro: Hurgando en la memoria histórica, reseña del libro:
Antología sobre la teoría de la administración pública
Virginia Verónica Villegas Garza
Artículo Arbitrado
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of
theories, models, and recent studies
Las percepciones de los consumidores hacia los empaques de alimentos
ecológicamente amigables: Una revisión de teorías, modelos y estudios recientes
Fecha de recepción: Febrero 2022
Fecha de aceptación: Febrero 2022
Mauricio Iván García Montes1, Jesús Manuel Palma Ruiz2
1. Licenciado en Negocios Internacionales. Codiflex SA de CV., Av. Edo de Hidalgo
#2503-3 Col. Industrial C.P 31304 Chihuahua, Chih
2. Doctor en Negocios. Maestro en Administración. Asesor externo y catedrático
Correspondencia: Mauricio Iván García Montes
Dirección: Calle 46 #4010, col. Rosario. Chihuahua, Chih. C.P. 31030
Teléfono: (52) 652 1018469
Correo: ivangmontes29@gmail.com
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
García Montes y Palma Ruíz
Excelencia Administrativa Online 1 • Ene.-Abr. 2022 • Facultad de Contaduría y Administración UACH 50
Packaging has an important role in influencing purchasing decisions. But, at the same time,
packaging waste poses serious environmental problems, and the increasing consciousness of
consumers toward ecological matters raises the demand for ecological products and eco-friendly
or green packaging. Thus, packaging sustainability denotes a significant issue for both industrials
and retailers. Enterprises not only must consider packaging improvements to reduce materials to
enhance the recycled content. Nowadays, three trends are driving food and beverage packing
design: rightsizing, sustainability, and food waste. In addition, any intended improvement in
packaging design should study a number of key dimensions related to consumers’ perceptions,
among others that affect their purchase intention and willingness to pay. The purpose of this
research is to review main theories of consumer behavior and models of consumer responses to
packaging, as well as to address recent studies related to consumers’ perception of ecological
packaging of food products, in order to outline alternatives for future studies on this relevant topic
with environmental and business practice implications.
KEYWORDS: Eco-friendly Package, consumer, behavior, purchase intention, purchase,
El empaquetado juega un papel importante para influir en el consumidor en sus decisiones de
compra. Pero, al mismo tiempo, los desechos de los empaques representan graves problemas
medioambientales, y la creciente concienciación de los consumidores hacia el cuidado del
entorno eleva la demanda de productos y envases ecológicos. Por lo tanto, la sostenibilidad del
empaque representa un tema de interés actual y relevante para las industrias. Las empresas
deben considerar mejoras en el empaque de sus productos para reducir materiales dañinos y
mejorar el contenido de reciclado. En la actualidad, tres tendencias están impulsando el diseño
de envases de alimentos y bebidas: el tamaño correcto, la sostenibilidad y el desprecio de
alimentos. Asimismo, cualquier mejora que se pretenda en el diseño de los envases debe
estudiar una serie de dimensiones clave relacionadas con las percepciones de los consumidores,
entre otras, que inciden en su intención y decisión de compra. El propósito de esta investigación
es revisar las principales teorías del comportamiento del consumidor y los modelos de respuesta
del consumidor al empaque, así como abordar estudios recientes relacionados con la percepción
de los consumidores sobre los envases ecológicos de productos alimenticios, para así ilustrar
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
García Montes y Palma Ruíz
Excelencia Administrativa Online 1 • Ene.-Abr. 2022 • Facultad de Contaduría y Administración UACH 51
alternativas de futuros estudios sobre este tema de actualidad con implicaciones
medioambientales y para la práctica empresarial.
Palabras Clave: Empaque ecológico, consumidor, comportamiento, decisión de compra.
Nowadays, the topic of environmental protection and consciousness toward the damage of
natural resources has become even more relevant (Koenig-Lewis et al., 2014). Packaging waste
has received main attention from environmental activists, consumers, policymakers, and
enterprises (Nguyen et al., 2020; Steenis et al., 2017), in fact is in the current sustainability
agenda. Consumers are progressively concerned about the environmental consequences of
packaging in their daily consumption (Prakash & Pathak, 2017; Nguyen et al., 2020), due to the
increasing and alarming levels of pollution. Hence, packaging sustainability denotes a critical topic
for enterprises (Magnier & Crié, 2015). The increasing understanding of consumers concerning
environmental problems has raised the demand for environmentally friendly or green products
(Singh & Pandey, 2018; Ramesh & Samudhra Rajakumar, 2019). Food packaging instigates an
escalating worry for the environment because of its high production volume, brief usage period,
and harms linked to waste management and littering (Geueke et al., 2018). Therefore, whichever
decrease in packaging waste aids to the goals of sustainability, including cleaner production,
reduction, reuse, and recycling (Herbes et al., 2018). Accordingly, product redesign supports the
aim of the circular economy to decrease the environmental impact of food packaging (Fernandes
et al., 2020; Geueke et al., 2018).
In line with the sustainability agenda, enterprises (particularly those with a global
presence) are concentrating on packaging innovations or enhancements to diminish harmful
materials, increase reutilized contents, and increase more renewable resources (Prakash &
Pathak, 2017; Kulshreshtha et al., 2019; Flores-Rivera et al., 2019). In addition, interest in
environmentally friendly packaging has grown considerably in the last decade (Palma-Ruiz et al.,
2020; Herbes et al., 2020). However, consumers have different opinions and limited knowledge
about ecological packaging and materials (biodegradability and recyclability) as well as market
appeal (appealing design and fair price) (Nguyen et al., 2020). Hence, firms are focusing on
enhancing environmental quality while promoting their products (Li, 2020).
In terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), companies are addressing
environmental concerns (Kulshreshtha et al., 2019; Arzubiaga et al., 2019). CSR is commonly
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
García Montes y Palma Ruíz
Excelencia Administrativa Online 1 • Ene.-Abr. 2022 • Facultad de Contaduría y Administración UACH 52
described as pro-social corporate efforts (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001), at the same time, becoming
a business trend across several industries (Wei et al., 2018). Such a trend has encouraged the
food industry to advance more socially responsible alternatives (Wei et al., 2018).
Green marketing is defined as a company's dedication to developing safe, environmentally
friendly products through the use of recyclable and easily decomposable packaging, improved
pollution control strategies, and more efficient energy use (Mukonza & Swarts, 2019).
Environmentally Conscious Making (ECM) is focused with establishing ways for manufacturing
products that meet environmental norms and regulations, from conceptual design to final delivery
to consumers, and finally to End of Life (EOL) disposal (Ilgin & Gupta, 2010).
Green marketing has become increasingly important as a strategy of establishing a
competitive advantage over competitors. A company´s business strategy is developed in
response to changing market needs, and green marketing has gotten a huge boost thanks to the
resurgence of environmental concern among customers (Arseculeratne & Yazdanifard, 2014).
Consumer-driven development of environmentally friendly packaging that can be used in long-
term packaging strategies (Nguyen et al., 2020). Environmentally friendly or "green" products are
still a niche sector, despite the fact that producing and consuming more environmentally friendly
items is a vital step toward creating more sustainable lifestyles (Ketelsen et al., 2020).
Examples can be found across the world, such as Dell switching to eco-friendly packaging
materials for computers, Adidas using recycling materials for their product lines of shoes and
apparel, McDonald´s is adopting biodegradable paper for food packaging in their stores (Prakash
& Pathak, 2017). Moreover, Walmart´s efforts to become package-neutral by 2025 through 4Rs
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink) programs also point to a good trend (Magnier & Crié, 2015),
and Tetra Pak committing to a low-carbon circular economy in which the entire food chain has
the least possible impact on the environment, investing more than 100 million euros in sustainable
development and recycling infrastructure in 2018 (Tetra Pak, 2019). Also, by designing
PlantBottle packaging to encourage recycling and limit the amount of material used in their
packaging, the Coca-Cola Company supports projects that enable the recovery and reuse of their
packaging (Magnier & Crié, 2015).
The growing popularity of events such as "Earth Day," support for activist organizations
such as Greenpeace, and acceptance of environmental safety measures reflect increased
consumer awareness (Singh & Pandey, 2018). Other scholars have demonstrated that
consumers believe that green products are worthwhile to purchase, are confident in green
products, and want to purchase green products (D'Souza et al., 2019).
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
García Montes y Palma Ruíz
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Consumer perceptions, behaviors, and habits, as well as consumer norms, attitudes,
environmental concerns, social responsibility impact, purchase intentions and willingness to pay,
and the relationship between the size of packaging and the amount of product consumed, should
all be considered when making packaging improvements (Ajzen, 2012; Gustavo et al., 2018;
Kulshreshtha et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2018).
The purpose of this research is to review the main theories and models of consumer
behavior, as well as address recent studies related to consumers’ perception of ecological
packaging of food products and influence consumers’ intention and decision to purchase.
Environmentally friendly packaging
Ecologically friendly or environmentally conscious packaging (also known as green packaging,
eco-friendly packaging, or sustainable packaging) has become increasingly popular in recent
years (Herbes et al., 2018). Green consumers are those who practice environmentally friendly
behavior and choose to buy green goods over non-green goods (Ramesh & Samudhra
Rajakumar, 2019). Consumers with ecological awareness seek information about the production
process of goods or services, and the ecological premises of the company or organization
involved (Monteiro et al., 2012). Consumers are worried about sustainability, and they are
particularly concerned about their carbon footprint and its environmental impact (Grönman et al.,
Packaging materials, production technique, and market appeal can all be used to
categorize consumer perceptions of eco-friendly packaging (Nguyen et al., 2020). Emotions are
also important drivers influencing pro-environmental purchase decisions (Koenig-Lewis et al.,
2014). In-store purchase decisions for food products are characterized by low participation and
impulsive processes, and packaging plays a crucial role in influencing these decisions (Liao et
al., 2015).
Packaging is defined as a coordinated system for preparing goods for handling, transit,
storage, sale, consumption, and recovery in a safe, efficient, and effective manner. Packaging
also has functions such as protecting the product against damages, preserve, contain, and
facilitate loading, transportation, and logistics issues, and finally to provide the necessary
information and product visibility to the client, establishing a communication/sell function (Mejía
et al., 2015; Fraser, 2018). Furthermore, sustainable packaging must be beneficial, safe, and
healthy for people throughout its life cycle: it must be sourced, manufactured, transported, and
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
García Montes y Palma Ruíz
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recycled using renewable energy, maximize the use of recycled source material, use clean
production technologies and best practices, be made from safe materials throughout its life cycle,
be physically designed to optimize materials and energy, and be effectively recovered and utilized
in biological and industrial closed-loop systems (Magnier & Crié, 2015).
The environmental benefit of sustainable packaging is determined not just by the
packaging´s qualities, but also by consumer willingness to buy sustainably packaged goods.
Additionally, the exact design solutions employed to make packaging more sustainable are likely
to influence consumer response (Steenis et al., 2018). In fact, consumers are prepared to pay a
higher price for ecologically friendly food goods, according to certain studies (Chen et al., 2018).
Food and beverage package design is currently influenced by three trends: right-sizing,
sustainability, and food waste (Fraser, 2018). According to Fraser (2018), rightsizing is the
packaging industry´s response to the global obesity epidemic; health and wellness concerns are
known to influence consumer purchasing decisions; as a result, portion/calorie control is also
driving sales of packaged foods and beverages in single-serving container size, and it is not
surprising that snack food and soft drink product manufacturers are leaders in rightsizing
packaging containers, essentially packaging for single-serving containers.
The right-size trend is also influenced by changes in eating habits, with many consumers
now eating at home, work, school, and on the go. As a result, packaged foods must fit into pockets,
backpacks, purses, and other small spaces while still being of acceptable quality while being held
for these purposes. Some feel that better transportation/containment, shelf-life extension, product
protection, reclose features, and rightsizing can help the packaging industry play a vital role in
decreasing food loss and waste (Fraser, 2018, p. 228). For example, the Winning on Reducing
Food Waste Initiative was established in October 2018 by the US Department of Agriculture
(USDA), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). The agencies reaffirm their common commitment to achieving the goal of
halving food loss and waste in USA by 50% by 2030 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Table 1. Summary of definitions and conceptualizations of environmentally friendly
Definition or conceptualization
Green packaging: Packaging plays an important role in product
marketing and delivery. The packaging of products at the point of
sale can be a critical factor in a customer´s buying decision.
Rokka &
Environment-friendly package: Functional package qualities
such as ease of use, design, and aesthetics have been at the
forefront in the choice of packaging - a choice made when the
desired product comes in different packages.
et al.
Sustainable packaging: The extraction of raw materials,
manufacture, shipping, and post-consumption disposal all have
an impact on packaging´s life cycle.
Prakash &
Eco-friendly packaging/Sustainable packaging: Throughout its
life cycle, it is helpful, safe, and healthy for individuals and
communities. It is sourced, manufactured, transported, and
recycled using renewable energy and meets market performance
and cost criteria. It is made with clean production technologies
and best practices and maximizes the usage of recycled source
material. It is manufactured from materials that are healthy
throughout the whole life cycle, is physically intended to
maximize materials and energy efficiency, and is effectively
recovered and employed in biological and industrial closed-loop
Source: Authors´ own elaboration
Some theories have been used in marketing research to explain consumers’ perceptions to
predict which factors are significant in the purchase decision or purchase intent. Consumer
behavior is described as the mental and physical behaviors that customers engage in in order to
make decisions about paying for, purchasing, and using products and services (Sheth, 2021).
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
García Montes y Palma Ruíz
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The means-end theory
Several theories have been developed to predict the consumers’ behavior towards the purchase
intention, such as the means-end chain theory (Gutman, 1982). This theory explains that
consumers values assign importance (which is modified by the situation), inducing the consumer
to consider the situation consequences to decide an action (behavior). The relevant outcomes of
this person-situation interaction form the foundation of a functional category of products capable
of producing the desired outcomes. These products are chosen based on their characteristics,
which indicate their capacity to generate the desired outcomes while avoiding the undesirable
outcomes (Gutman, 1982).
An examination of consumer values and attitudes toward specific packaging necessitates
a knowledge of how such linkages form and function, which is where the means-end theory comes
in handy (Bech-Larsen, 1996). The model is based on two fundamental assumptions about
consumer behavior: (1) that values, defined here as desirable end-states of existence, play a
dominant role in guiding choice patterns, and (2) that people cope with the enormous diversity of
products that could satisfy their values by grouping them into sets or classes to reduce choice
complexity (Gutman, 1982).
Figure 1. The Means-End model
Source: Gutman (1982)
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
García Montes y Palma Ruíz
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Theory of buyer behavior
The theory of buyer behavior (Howard & Sheth, 1969) also explains the buyer behavior process.
A buyer´s brand-choice decisions are made up of three components: (1) a set of motives, (2)
various different courses of action, and (3) decision mediators that match the motives with the
alternatives. Motives are unique to a product category and represent the buyer´s fundamental
demands. The many brands that have the ability to satisfy the buyer´s motives are the alternatives
(Howard & Sheth, 1969).
Other factors influence purchase intent, such as the endowment effect, which is used to
forecast customer behavior and sentiments at the time of decision-making (purchase intention).
This impact occurs when a person attributes a higher value to an item because he or she
possesses it (Fraser, 2018; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). Loss aversion, defined as a preference
for avoiding a loss over gaining a gain, implies that an individual considers losses more than gains
while making decisions (Fraser, 2018). As customers grow more aware of the environmental
repercussions of packaging, it is likely that they will become more worried in the future (Bech-
Larsen, 1996).
Many customers´ decisions are influenced by habit, with the consumer selecting products
from an "evoked set" (Howard & Sheth, 1969) of options available at the point of purchase that
are also acceptable to the client (Bech-Larsen, 1996). The scenario modifies the relevance of
each of the components that influence the decision-making process, causing the consumer to
assess the repercussions in light of the situation´s demands. The relevant outcomes of this
person-situation interaction form the foundation of a functional category of products capable of
producing the desired outcomes. These products are chosen based on their characteristics, which
indicate their capacity to deliver desired outcomes while avoiding undesirable outcomes (Gutman,
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Figure 2. Theory of Buyer Behavior
Source: Howard & Sheth (1969)
Theory of planned behavior
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 2012) is used to anticipate customer behavior
based on purchase intention, which is influenced by attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms,
and perceived behavior control. Azjen established this hypothesis in 1985, and it is still very useful
and well accepted today. Intentions are thought to capture the motivating factors that drive
conduct; they are indicators of how hard someone are willing to try, and how much work they plan
to put in to complete the behavior (Ajzen, 2012).
Figure 3. Theory of planned behavior (TPB)
Source: Ajzen (2012)
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Theory of reasoned action
The theory of reasoned action (TRA) (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1977) is a straightforward psychological
model for predicting consumer behavior based on buyer intentions impacted by personal views
and subjective norms. This hypothesis has long been utilized as a model for predicting behavioral
intentions and actions. Behavioral intentions, which are intermediate antecedents to conduct, are
a function of salient information or beliefs about the likelihood of completing a given behavior
leading to a specific outcome, according to the theory (Madden et al., 1992).
Figure 4. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
Source: Madden et al. (1992)
Additional theories of consumer behavior
Other theories found in the literature explain consumer behavior and have a particular relationship
with the consumers’ perceptions of eco-packaging affecting their purchase intention and decision-
making. Table 2 lists those theories and briefly summarizes their relationship with eco-packaging.
Table 2. Summary of additional theories related to consumer behavior
Relationship with consumer’s perception eco-packaging,
purchase intention or decision
& Tversky
theory: An
analysis of
decision under
When the outcome of a food decision is known, prospect
theory is a behavioral economics theory that describes
how one selects between alternatives. This approach is
based on a risk analysis, which means that decisions are
made based on anticipated losses and profits rather than
on the outcome.
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Status Quo
Bias in
The majority of people like the status quo, which is known
as status quo bias. Doing nothing or sticking to one´s
current or previous decision is known as status quo bias.
Grinblatt &
Han (2005)
This theory is founded on the idea that people mentally
make transactions based on how satisfied they are with
the process of doing so.
Theory of
The notion that things exist or give birth to various
qualities in set proportions, and that it is these traits, not
the items themselves, on which the consumer´s
preferences are exercised, has been critical in developing
this application.
Source: Author’s own elaboration
Model of Bloch (1995)
The product constitutes one of the classic four P’s (Product, Place, Price, Promotion) of the
marketing mix, and the most fundamental characteristic of a product is its exterior form or design
(Bloch, 1995). This model focused on the idea that the package design can determine the
product’s marketplace success (Bloch, 1995; Fraser, 2018). The model of consumer responses
to packaging from Bloch (1995) intends to predict behavioral responses based essentially on the
product form, which is composed of designer goal and constraints such as performance,
ergonomic, production/cost, regulatory/legal, marketing program, and design. Also, product form
is influenced by personal factors (individual tastes and preferences, and situational factors) and
psychological responses (cognitive and affective responses) to product form before a behavioral
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Figure 5. A model of consumer response to product-form
Source: Own elaboration based on Bloch (1995)
Consumer package communication model
Empirical studies looked at the impact of all packaging components on customer purchasing intent
(Butkevičiene et al., 2008; Fraser, 2018). Based on Butkevičiene et al. (2008), the package´s
message is dictated by the product communication strategy, which is aimed at a certain target
segment. Product positioning is accomplished by marketing mix element decisions. These
choices are based on the fact that the packaging communicates with the consumer through verbal
and nonverbal aspects and components.
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Figure 6. Theoretical consumer package communication model
Source: Butkevičiene et al. (2008)
Research on eco-friendly food packaging has studied customers’ perceptions and intentions
similarly. Tables 4 and 5 provide a summary of recent studies on environmentally friendly food
packaging and consumer behavior. To begin, a study in Malaysia (Mohd Isa & Xin Yao, 2013)
used a choice-based conjoint approach to investigate consumer preference for green packaging
in product choices, and a survey using a questionnaire was used to investigate the extent to which
price sensitivity, attitude toward the brand, convenience of use of the packaging, green packaging,
label, and product design influence customer purchase intention based on real product choices.
Only product labeling and product design have a favorable and significant impact on consumer
product choice, according to the study´s findings. Consumer product choices were not influenced
by green packaging, price, brand, or ease of use.
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Another study in Malaysia looked at how customers felt about green packaged goods and
how likely they were to buy them (Zakersalehi & Zakersalehi, 2012). Consumer attitudes and
purchasing intentions about green packaged foods are studied to help marketers and suppliers
understand how to improve their green products, what type of green packaging they require, and
how to get customers to acquire their products. In Malaysia, green packaging is a relatively recent
concept. A mall-intercept personal survey was used to collect data for the study. There were a
total of 134 surveys gathered. According to the findings, consumers´ favorable sentiments, as
well as demographics, might influence green food manufacturers´ marketing strategies.
Consumer environmental choice is investigated by examining the relative importance of
green packaging when compared to other relevant product qualities, according to research done
in Finland (Rokka & Uusitalo, 2008). The empirical study is based on a choice-based conjoint
analysis of 330 consumers´ preferences for functional drink products. Consumer preferences for
packaging, brand, price, and ease of use of everyday products varies, according to the findings.
On the market, there are also several separate customer segments. In contrast to past research,
they discovered that the largest customer category, one-third of consumers, prioritized
environmentally labeled packaging as the most important factor in their decision. The findings
highlight the growing significance of ethical and environmental considerations in product
In addition, a study conducted in Denmark (Bech-Larsen, 1996) looked at consumers´
attitudes on packaging and the importance of environmental and functional qualities in their
purchasing decisions. The goal was to see if and how purchasing behavior might be altered in
such a way that packaging´s environmental impact could be reduced. The research focuses on
consumers´ perceptions of packing in general, as well as the packaging that they take home with
them (primary packaging). The report continues with a discussion of the data´ implications for
environmental agencies as well as food and packaging producers.
Finally, a study conducted in India (Prakash & Pathak, 2017) investigated the impact of
environmentally friendly packaging on consumer responses. The idea of reasoned action was
used to identify main antecedents of eco-designed packaging behavior and to assess their relative
importance. The data of 204 young Indian customers was analyzed and the proposed conceptual
model was tested using structural equation modeling. The study´s findings indicated that personal
norms, attitude, environmental concern, and willingness to pay all influence buying intention
toward eco-friendly packaging.
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Table 3. Summary of dimensions and measurements related to environmentally friendly
food packages
Mohd Isa &
Xin Yao
Six variables were investigated in
this study: brand, price, green
packaging, ease of use, labeling,
and product design, all of which
were found to have a positive and
significant link with green
packaging in consumer product
A simple 12 questions with five-point
Likert scales were designed to clarify
the most important attributes for
consumers’ choices.
The first model only included
attitude as an independent
variable, but the second model
included five independent factors
(gender, age, income level, race,
and attitude) as well as one
dependent variable (purchasing
A total of 134 survey questionnaires
are collected in Malaysia used for
data analysis.
Rokka &
The conjoint study focused on the
following four attributes, all of
which had two or three levels:
brand, price, packaging, and
package resealability (convenience
of use).
The empirical study is based on a
choice-based conjoint analysis of 330
consumers´ preferences for
functional drink products. To collect
data, the subsample was given an
internet questionnaire.
Communicative (appearance,
labeling), functional (closure), and
environmental (material, amount,
and reuse).
The research design consisted of
four studies, all of which were
conducted as consumer interviews
but used four different data collection
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Prakash &
Attitude, environmental concern,
personal norms, willingness to
pay, purchase intention.
A structured questionnaire was used
to obtain the information. The
questions were created by adapting
elements from the existing literature
and making minor changes. On a
five-point Likert scale, all of the items
were evaluated.
Source: Author’s own elaboration
Table 4. Summary of methodologies and findings of studies related to environmentally-
friendly food packages
Theory used
Mohd Isa &
Xin Yao
Green packaging and ethical product
characteristics have no discernible
influence on consumer decision-making.
Theory of
According to the findings, consumers´
favorable sentiments, as well as
demographics, might influence green food
manufacturers´ marketing strategies.
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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Rokka &
using an
Consumer preferences for packaging,
brand, price, and ease of use of everyday
products varies, according to the findings.
On the market, there are also several
separate customer segments. In contrast
to past research, they discovered that the
largest customer category, one-third of
consumers, prioritized environmentally
labeled packaging as the most important
factor in their decision.
In the case of industry, the creation of
new food packaging should contain both
functional and environmental
improvements. According to several
research, functional package aspects
influence consumers´ purchase decisions,
whereas environmental characteristics
appear to be of no practical significance.
However, the findings also show that
there is a segment of the population that
has a strong preference for sustainable
packaging, implying that there is a market
for this form of packaging.
Based on three
Theory, TPB,
and Theory of
Prakash &
The relevance of TRA for Indian
customers in green buying intention was
validated by the study, which found that
attitude and personal norms have a
substantial impact on purchase intention
for eco-friendly packaging.
TRA was
concern and
willingness to
Source: Authors´ own elaboration
Consumers´ perceptions toward eco-friendly food packages: A review of theories, models, and
recent studies
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The literature review allows researchers to gather a more complete vision of the theories, models,
and contextual factors that may affect the purchase decision making of eco-friendly or green
packaging products. This research contributes to outline and review the relevance of fulfilling
certain product packaging trends and assessing the consumers perceptions. The study and
precise market knowledge of the consumers’ perception of eco-friendly packaging will certainly
assist enterprises to improve their marketing strategies, and sustainable product and packaging
development. This research outlines implications for further study related to marketing,
international business, sustainable ecology, social responsibility, social welfare, among others,
aiding companies to focus on the packaging trends, design, and eco-friendly characteristics that
consumers are more interested in and mostly influence their purchase decision by meeting the
consumers’ demands, and acting socially responsibly by being friendly to the environment and
caring for the society in general. Further research can address the study of eco-packaging from
a particular theoretical perspective, in addition to the most used theories in recent studies, such
as the theory of planned behavior (TPB) or the theory of reasoned action (TRA). Additional
methodological approaches can be also explored to include more sophisticated statistical
methods, and more importantly incorporate mixed methods and qualitative techniques. Different
populations in distinctive contexts can be further studied, such as developing countries in Latin
America. In addition to considering the relevant regulations in different contexts to product
compliance and packaging materials and labeling. As a result, there are plenty of opportunities to
promote and advance the study of eco-friendly or green packaging by considering additional
factors that affect consumers’ purchase decision making.
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objetivo contribuir al avance del conocimiento
científico técnico relacionado con la práctica
empresarial, mediante artículos de investigación
teórica o aplicada. Volumen I, número 1, enero-abril
de 2022, es una publicación cuatrimestral editada
por la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la
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modificación: abril de 2022.
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